South Indiah: Cochin, Gokarna & Goa
I can't quite believe I'm in back in India, and in Kerala again. I'm searching through some emails , looking for my train , and the search reveals emails between my friend, Clair, in which we are hooking up for the start of the Cochin- Darjeeling TucTuc ralley in 2006. A group of crazy (!!) Brits each put together £2-3000 per team, to buy brand new TucTucs, which they ten raced across India, starting in cochin across the country to the mountainous, tea growing area: Darjeeling, still on my India bucket list. The race took some 3 weeks, with many breakdowns and adventures along the way: such as sleeping beside the road, and relying on the hospitality on India to feed them , or give them shelter. They then donated the TucTuc to the Indian TuTuc drivers association so that they could disburse them to the most needy. A TucTuc can bring a cash income for a struggling family. This time I see businesses: cafes, restaurants, ...